Sunday, 3 February 2013

Life is in the Detail

Hello all!!

It's been some time since I last posted about Brixton. To be honest, these days, I go in, get my fruit and veg and go home. But yesterday, I took a few minutes to revisit my neighbourhood and take a few pictures too (as ever click on the image to enlarge it):

Colours and arrangement of these got my attention:

I love the random stuff this guy sells:

And I love that Frida Kahlo also made an appearance in Brixton:

I looked up and spotted this. In my mind, this is somewhat wrong. But funny too:

Somebody forgot their drink or they're reserving their seat. Can't say which:

And I bought some beautiful flowers:

Have you noticed an interesting detail around you lately?

Hope you have a lovely week everyone.
In yoga we always set an achievable goal for ourselves; not only for the practise but for that week too. 
This week, mine is to eat healthy, exercises every day and live in the moment. And of course, notice little things around me.

Until next time.

Red xx



Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Red:
What appeals to us about somewhere like Brixton is the diversity which is achieved by a real mix of people of different ethnic backgrounds. Such colour, such vibrancy, such life.

Unknown said...

Love all the details you capture. That drink on the chair has so much personality :)
Hope all is well with you!

xo Mary Jo

Diane said...

I would love to visit Brixton, maybe one day...... Hope you are well Diane