Hello all!!!
I have been absent from the blogging world for over two months now. As some of you bloggers know, it is quite a commitment, and it is really easy to get caught up in every day life and not find the time to even do things you like. But I am back and will definitely try and write once a week as I did before.
So, I'll resume my blogging diary by sharing a weekend of firsts. Few weekends ago, we went to Borough market in South West London. Around ten years ago, British chef Jamie Oliver made it popular by filming bits of his first TV show in there and surprise, surprise, the market became very "in" with Londoners and tourists alike. I go there every 3-4 months and every time I do, I wonder why I don't visit it more often.
It is always buzzing with people. Some of the stalls are open throughout the week, but proper working days are Fridays and Saturdays. When we went there two weeks ago, the place was so crowded, you could barely move. Although the prices are dear and some of the stuff is definitely overpriced, you can still find affordable food. If nothing, you can browse around, graze and enjoy the atmosphere. The quality of food is exceptional, the provenance of the products is always known and you can find a great variety of food from all over the world.
This time, we decided to try things we have never tried before.
P had them before, but these were my first oysters ever. Locally sourced and delicious:
Gone in 5 seconds. I find that just swallowing them doesn't do it for me. Adding a bit of Tabasco sauce and a squeeze of lemon, I like to chew them, two or three times, in order to really appreciate their goodness.
Onto a fruit neither of us ever tried. I have heard of it, but never tasted it.
Mangosteen is sweet, tangy and somewhat fibrous. And very delicious and soft. Modest looking on the outside and quite expansive and vulgar from the inside:
Another first, for both of us, were goose eggs:
So much bigger than chicken eggs and I have to say, that much more delicious too. Here is how they compare to the chicken eggs in size:
The yolks are huge and bright orange:
Our breakfast was delicious and very filling.
Scrambled goose eggs went well with mushrooms cooked on aromatic garlic we got at the market:
And here is our breakfast the next morning:
I might do a separate post on other food from the market, but for now, enjoy the feast of the firsts.
Do you like trying out new things? Are you adventurous with food, or do you stick to what you know and love best? And what about markets where you live? Do they offer good food?
Have a happy week and thank you for visiting. See you very soon.
Red xx
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