Thursday, 7 June 2012

Friends, Beers and Body Suits! Things That Make a Day Perfect!

Hello all!

As I spent the first few days of half term at home working on the Dreamland performance, writing, rehearsing and having friends over, it was time to get out and enjoy the rain with friends. I gave up on fighting this weather, so I am now embracing it. Puddle hoping turned out to be a lot of fun. I seemed to have forgotten how good it feels.

So, as well as spending the day with friends and having a fabulous day, I also:

Talked to this lovely trader who worked hard on selling his mangoes. I didn't have any change, so I just took a picture of these small bananas and his handsome self:

 Did a bit of window shopping:

And took a picture of my current obsession; plastic flowers. I wouldn't want them in my house, but can't get enough of them otherwise. The idea of a plastic flower is my favourite topic at the moment:

Late afternoon, it was time for coffee, tea and cake:

And in the evening, beers:

And,... I finally bought that vintage halterneck shirt. Well, last time I saw it on a mannequin, it looked like a shirt. But, it is actually even better than that. It is a body suit. Can't wait to wear it:

Hope you are spending quality time with your friends and buying yourself nice treats.

Red xx


Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Red:
You really do seem to be putting a brave face on the deplorable weather you have been experiencing with worse, or so we understand, about to lash out and hit you again. We suspect puddle hopping will become lake leaping!

We once thought it would be fun to furnish an entire room with highly coloured, plastic items; flowers would certainly have been included. Sadly, when it came to it, we lacked the courage!!

Cappuccino frío said...

i love plastic flowers as well!!!!!!

Diane said...

The weather sounds horrible over there and it is not at its best here. Never the less you seem to have found away to overcome it all. Have a great weekend Diane